Job Fair as part of the month of Youth “Tashkent loves youth”

30 November, 2020

Ярмарка Вакансий в рамках месяца Молодёжи «Ташкент любит молодежь»

On November 26 and 27, in the Humo Arena, a Job Fair was held as part of the Youth Month “Tashkent Loves Youth”, which was organized by the Tashkent city administration, the Youth Agency, the Youth Union of Uzbekistan, and the Youth Academy. BIZNES AZIYA took part in this event, where young specialists were given the opportunity to learn more about our company, get acquainted with our products. About 500 exhibitors showed interest in our stand, 107 people filled out a questionnaire and only 30% will be invited for an interview.

Ярмарка Вакансий в рамках месяца Молодёжи «Ташкент любит молодежь» Ярмарка Вакансий в рамках месяца Молодёжи «Ташкент любит молодежь» Ярмарка Вакансий в рамках месяца Молодёжи «Ташкент любит молодежь»

BIZNES AZIYA loves and values talents. When choosing candidates for vacant positions, the company prefers, first of all, ambitious people aimed at long-term relationships, career growth, and stable income.

The company invites young people to work, both with experience and without it. For its many years of experience, BIZNES AZIYA has raised professionals in their field, who began their journey as an ordinary sales representative.

Ярмарка Вакансий в рамках месяца Молодёжи «Ташкент любит молодежь»

We offer:

  • Competitive wages
  • Team building and corporate events
  • Professional and personal training
  • Encouraging and motivating employees
  • Prizes and gifts
  • Corporate mobile communications and travel coverage

Find out more about our vacancies in the telegram channel and on our website